The Siren's Song
by [CYA] Wolf, Firetalon, Lady Alani, Sapphire Night and Shadow of Light


Posted by [CYA]WoLf on February 18th, 2001 01:31 PM:

The Siren's Song

In the black waters of the Scion Sea close to the Kingdom of Adrahn a small pebble was about to cause some very big ripples...ripples that were to be felt in the Capital of Maria'Vala for years to come...this is the Story of the Siren's Song...

The sky was pitch black, tossed through with the occasional flash of bright white lightning, as the angry gods threw tantrums in the clouds. Rain lashed the deck of a sleek black and silver Elven Galleon. But the ship was far more than she first appeared, the figurehead was of an Elven woman with her arms outstretched to the sea, almost beckoning. Her name was the Siren's Song and she was a masterwork of design and magic.

The waves crashed over the deck as the vessel flickered through the ocean, cutting a swathe from swell to swell.

On the prow stood an Elven man, holding onto one of the ship's rigging ropes. He wore a broad grin, long black hair tossed by a savage wind, dressed in a simple shirt of black silk, and pants of black leather...completing the look were a pair of thigh high leather boots. The rest of his garments stowed in his cabin. Across his back rested two elven blades, bound into ebony scabbards.

Captain Hawke 'Domino' Moonsinger spread his grin wider, as the ship hit a massive wave and pitched up into the air, chuckling as she smashed into the ocean once more.

All around him, the deck and the rigging were a hive of activity...

He did so enjoy a good storm.

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August


[This message has been edited by [CYA]WoLf (edited February 18, 2001).]

Posted by Sapphire Night on February 18th, 2001 02:27 PM:

She held the wheel as the galleon crashed through another wave, laughing as the rain lashed at her face and the wind at her dark blonde hair.

She was clad in a white wool shirt with dark brown pants that matched her eyes, all designed to keep her warm even in the storm. Her boots went up to her knee, dark brown leather with white at the tops. The only thing about her that wasn't practical was her necklace, a medium-sized pendant made of wood which kept finding it's way out from beneath her shirt and hitting her in the face.

Each wave presented her another challenge. Each gust of wind made her feel more alive.

And they used to wonder why I would want to leave the mountains...bah, why stay there when there's such fun here? she thought as another spray hit her.

Amber D'karille pulled the wheel hard to the right as another wave crashed into them. She looked around her at the other sailors running around the ship doing various jobs to ensure they got through the storm. No one, save the one in the nest or the captain, had quite as good a view of the storm as she did behind the wheel. Each wave, each gust of wind, was like poetry to her.

Far off at the other end of the ship she could just barely see the captain, looking almost as if he dared the storm to try anything.

Amber grinned, and pulled the wheel hard left to crash into another wave...


Always have faith Sapphire...I do.
Not only can it move mountains...
it can move the coldest heart
and cross the widest gulf between places.
[CYA]WoLf aka WoLf aka Wolfie =)

[This message has been edited by Sapphire Night (edited February 18, 2001).]

Posted by Lady Alani on February 18th, 2001 05:14 PM:

However, not everyone was enjoying the storm…

The northern Bard, Otter, was fast coming to the conclusion that the Scion Sea held a personal grudge against him.

The ship lurched again, and he gave a strangled yelp. He clung onto the railing desperately, long golden-red hair flying in all directions. The wind tore at a dark red cloak, the only part of his raiment that looked near presentable. He wore brown leather pants, a coarse woollen shirt that was once blue, and boots of soft black leather. Everything about him looked tired and weather-beaten, save the cloak and his eyes, which darted quickly, a clear piercing blue. As the wind howled one hand flew habitually to the cloak’s fastening, an elaborate golden pin in the shape of the creature he shared his name with.

Another wave made the ship pitch and tip. He clung on tighter. The Elven Captain laughed. He glared darkly, as if Mr.Moonsinger had personally insulted him.

Ye Gods, the madman is actually enjoying this

Otter gave a silent prayer to any listening deities the this storm would pass quickly, then lurched off below decks to his cabin.

Posted by Shadow of Light on February 19th, 2001 12:46 AM:

Ruby Steelsong let out a lurid curse as a blast of cold wind and water buffetted her where she perched in the rigging.

One thing you had to know about Ruby was that she almost always swore when she was enjoying herself. And the more colourful the curse, the more fun she was having.

Gripping a spar tightly with her long legs, her fingers worked quickly at ropes that would reef the sails and spare them and damage from the storm. Finished, she hung upsidedown from the spar and pondered (somewhat suicidally) dropping to the deck some twenty feet below.

Grinning as an alternate idea came to her, she swung back up and jumped to the ratlines, climbing nimbly to the crow's nest where the lookout usually stood.

The lookout wasn't there, as being a human lightning rod wasn't a notion that had given him much appeal. Ruby, on the other hand...

Bracing her feet in the corners of the nest, the woman stood tall and stretched her arms to the sky as the ship rocked and pitched below her. Flame-red hair streamed down her back in the weather and green eyes laughed into the storm. Lightning glittered of her armour (if it could be called that, as a leather and chain brasiere, chain and scale 'leggings' that didn't even reach the knee, leather arm and wrist bracers and boots were considered rather scanty by most. Of course, heavy armour was sort of impractical for anyone running the rigging of a ship), and gleamed brightly against the churning waves.

She didn't feel the cold. Excitement and adventure were a fire in her blood, a bright flame that burned away all fear and self-restraint.

She closed her arms and spread her arms wide, imagining they were wings and that the incandescent flames in the sky were her own...

Dragonfire and the wind beneath her wings...


Posted by Sapphire Night on February 19th, 2001 09:21 AM:

Amber caught sight of her crewmate high in the crow's nest, perched with hair streaming in the wind, looking as if she might soar away on the next gust of wind and almost wished she could join her.

Of course, given that she was the one steering, that would most likely be a bad idea. Such is the way of things.

Amber saw a red cloak passing her and supressed a chuckle. It amused her to have a Bard on board a pirate vessel. She had already started a pool on how long he would last.

"Enjoying the storm young one?" she called out as he made his way past her towards the lower decks and the cabins. "Tis a fine way to pass the day!" she added with a huge grin as yet another wave roared into the side of the vessel, spraying water with enough force to nearly knock a couple of sailors down.

He ignored her, going on down into the ship to wait out the weather. Amber chuckled as he left, and turned her attention back to the beauty of the chaotic weather.

Each wave, each roar of crashing water and thunder, every single lash of wind and water was musical poetry to her. She thrived on it, guiding the ship through the waves, the teamwork that went into keeping her and her passengers afloat...she never tired of it.

Even battle isn't quite this exciting...not nearly as much adrenaline flow as this... she thought with a huge grin as she hailed the Captain with a yell of victory and steered the ship straight through another huge wave.

This is truly the life...

[This message has been edited by Sapphire Night (edited February 18, 2001).]

Posted by [CYA]WoLf on February 19th, 2001 02:43 PM:

Moonsinger ducked as a massive wave tore across the deck, he turned to look at Amber and grinned slightly, moving across the water-logged boards, he reached the riggings, and the mainmast.

His eyes rose to his 'human' lightning rod. And he shook his head.

Then like a dexterous cat he tore up the riggings as the ship lurched from side to side, swinging out on one rope to reach up to the cross-mast. Then with contempt for the very nature of the storm, he walked the length to the center, and finally up to the Crow's nest.

"I might have guessed /you'd/ be up here..." He intoned, savage flickers reflected in his eyes. "Having fun?"

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August


Posted by Firetalon on February 20th, 2001 07:53 AM:

OOC: A three hour tour, a three hour tour... Er, I mean... Nice.

Posted by Shadow of Light on February 20th, 2001 10:40 AM:

OOC: Hey, FT, wanna be my firelizard? You can perch on my shoulder and shriek for shreds of meat, and I can call you 'Polly'.


Ruby, hearing a rather indistinct voice talking to her over the noise of the storm, rather regretfully opened her eyes and grinned at the Captain, lowering her arms.

"It'll be more fun if we lose a mast, sir," she said innocently.


Posted by Firetalon on February 20th, 2001 08:58 PM:

Mreerclar the Firelizard

The lizard hissed irritably and beat her leathery wings as water splashed on her face.

"ScrrrrrreeeeeeeeeEEEE!!" She glowered at the red-haired human-thing accusingly. "MEEE-EAT!"

Posted by Sapphire Night on February 20th, 2001 09:30 PM:


Posted by Shadow of Light on February 21st, 2001 03:29 AM:


"Mreerclar wanna beef jerky?" Ruby asked, pulling a strip of tough meat (good for strong fangs) from her belt pouch and jiggling it before her pet enticingly.


OOC: Heh, called you Polly by mistake.

[This message has been edited by Shadow of Light (edited February 20, 2001).]

Posted by Firetalon on February 21st, 2001 08:23 PM:

OOC: Polly?! Hrmph!


The lizard stabbed her tiny teeth into the meat strip and gnawed on it tenaciously. Although the strip had been bigger than her head, the firelizard devoured it with little trouble.

"Smeep!" she chirruped, blinking insolently at the human. That said, she stretched out an orange-red wing and commenced preening herself.

Posted by [CYA]WoLf on February 25th, 2001 02:26 PM:

The Captain watched the Storm rage on, the watched the preening and he watched the deck. You could have said that he was watchfull.

Which is why during a particularly bright flash of lightning, he spotted a dark shape on the horizon to the port side of the ship.

He bellowed down below. "Amber...turn the ship, hard to Port, now!"

He held on to the rigging...

"Ruby, hold on and make sure.../that/ holds on too." A slim hand indicated the fire-lizard.

"I think we're close to land."

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August


Posted by Sapphire Night on February 25th, 2001 09:41 PM:

One of the things that made Amber good at the wheel was that she could probably hear a pin drop in the below decks. Hence, when the captain yelled, she heard him above the storm.

She pulled the wheel to port side, turning it as far as it would go. A couple of sailors lost their balance at the abrupt change and went sliding across the deck. Amber laughed, until she felt a hand grab her leg as a support and nearly went flying herself.

She looked down and promptly kicked the offending sailor until he let go then returned her attention to the wheel, thankful that he hadn't made her lose her grip.

"Men," she muttered.

"Where too Cap'n?!" she yelled up towards the nest.

Posted by Shadow of Light on February 26th, 2001 01:47 AM:

Ruby gave her firelizard companion a mildly amused look, not in the least alarmed. "If you must hold on," she told the tiny dragon, "at least get your claws into my armour and not my skin this time."

Then, to pacify the captain, she held on to the sides of the crow's nest (not too hard, though. There was a good chance she'd get thrown down into the rigging, and swinging over the decks with the aid of a handy rope or two was an exciting idea).


Posted by Firetalon on February 26th, 2001 03:17 AM:

"Ruby, hold on and make sure.../that/ holds on too." A slim hand indicated the fire-lizard.

The lizard stuck her forked tongue out at the human-like thing and hissed.

Ruby gave her firelizard companion a mildly amused look, not in the least alarmed. "If you must hold on," she told the tiny dragon, "at least get your claws into my armour and not my skin this time."

"Creeee." The lizard blinked, then dug her claws into her human's shoulder.

Posted by Shadow of Light on February 26th, 2001 03:33 AM:

"Ow! Infernal reptile!"

Ruby gave the firelizard a rebuking tap on the snout and whipped her hand back out of range before it got teeth-marks.

"Sometimes," she growled at the captain, "I think I've overestimated this creature's intelligence. She may have a brain the size of a pea, but where is the vaunted intellect of dragon-kin? Dragons can understand human speech."


Posted by Firetalon on February 26th, 2001 07:00 AM:

Mreerclar smeeped indignantly. Clutching to her shoulder perch sullenly, she glowered at the humanoids with beady little yellow eyes.

Posted by [CYA]WoLf on February 26th, 2001 02:13 PM:

Moonsinger chuckled softly, and rather than shout this time to Amber, simply indicated with the aid of a phosphorescent glowing hand. Which appeared and pointed a ghostly finger in the direction of a dark forboding island.

He then regarded the fire-lizard and Ruby again with a slight smile.

"My apologies, dragon-kin." He said first in common, then elven, then high-elven and just to be a showy bastard, draconic.

A tiny sparkle in his eyes as the ship lurched violently to the side in another massive crashing wave.

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August


[This message has been edited by [CYA]WoLf (edited February 26, 2001).]

Posted by Sapphire Night on February 26th, 2001 09:48 PM:

Amber saw the glowing signal and smiled to herself.

The Captain did seem to enjoy showing off at times.

Must've been having issues with Ruby's friend again she thoguht with a chuckle as she turned the ship to follow the Captain's direction.

The waves crashed and the rain pounded. A couple of sailor's were finally starting to turn a little bit green.

Amber was contemplating taking a swim but figured it would upset some of her shipmates.

Ah well, there's always a next time she consoled herself as she began to catch sight of the land the Captain had found.

Posted by Firetalon on February 27th, 2001 04:23 AM:

Mreerclar looked at the sky and blinked in interest. If the elf-thing could make a big glowing hand appear, then maybe it could make a big glowing meat strip appear too.

The elf-thing then regarded the fire-lizard and Ruby again with a slight smile.

"My apologies, dragon-kin." He said first in common, then elven, then high-elven and just to be a showy bastard, draconic.

The lizard blinked idly at the elf-thing. If it was so smart, then it would have known that draconic was the only language worth learning.

"Scree-braak cheeeerip squeee," she chirped impolitely. She then commenced disdainful preening.

Posted by Shadow of Light on February 27th, 2001 11:09 AM:

"Honestly, I don't know where she gets it from," Ruby said blandly. "I know I swear a lot, but it's in a different language. She can't even get that forked tongue of hers around a word like 'bugger'."

She watched the land approaching with vague curiosity. "So, what're we doing here? Kill anything interesting?"


Posted by [CYA]WoLf on February 27th, 2001 11:37 AM:

The Captain grinned slightly, firstly to the small firelizard, and secondly to Ruby. "That's why I like you're as raw as the wind sometimes." He winked, and flicked out a small strip of jerky from his pouch, holding it before the dragon-kin.

He sniffed the air and watched another flash of lightning.

"Oh I'm sure that what ever is on this island is going to be worth the exploration, you do have a sense of adventure, if I remember rightly..." His grin was bright and wide.

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August


Posted by Shadow of Light on February 27th, 2001 01:01 PM:

Wind? People are more likely to associate me with a volcano - most commonly one that's erupting.

Ruby watched idly as Moonsinger offered Mreerclar the beef and grinned as she imagined the creature eyeing his fingers instead of the cured meat. The firelizard wasn't above nipping people... to show her gratitude, of course.

"Adventure is good," she agreed, "so long as something happens. There's splashing through a swamp infested with mosquitoes, and then there's climing a mountain swarming with goblins and ettins. Guess which one I prefer?"


Posted by [CYA]WoLf on February 27th, 2001 01:14 PM:

Moonsinger met her question with a deeper grin. "I'd wager tis the same as me good lass, the mountains and the Ettins..." He turned his head to the side, but still keeping an eye on Ruby's companion.

"Trust me Ruby, we will all get our fair share of adventure if this is /where/ I think it is."

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August


Posted by Sapphire Night on February 27th, 2001 05:14 PM:

Amber studied what she could see of the approaching land through the rain. She caught sight of a random sailor, one whom she knew could temporarily handle steering, and instructed him to keep to the heading she had set while she went to talk to the Captain.

Again resisting the impulse to dive into the waves, she made her way up to where Ruby and Captain Domino enjoyed their bird's eye view of the storm.

"Land or just get close?" she asked the Captain as she perched in the rigging.

Posted by Firetalon on February 27th, 2001 07:33 PM:

"Honestly, I don't know where she gets it from," Ruby said blandly. "I know I swear a lot, but it's in a different language. She can't even get that forked tongue of hers around a word like 'bugger'."

The lizard puffed up haughtily. "Buh-krrr!"

"Mee speeeek, R'beee!" she creeled in a high-pitched voice. She then commenced rattling off her human vocabulary. "Mee-eat! Mreeercl-har! L-hissrrrd! Seea!" She lashed her tiny tail and blinked proudly at R'beee and Elf-thing. She only bothered learning worthwile human words.

The Captain grinned slightly, firstly to the small firelizard, and secondly to Ruby. "That's why I like you're as raw as the wind sometimes." He winked, and flicked out a small strip of jerky from his pouch, holding it before the dragon-kin.

The lizard ignored the comment, sniffed the proffered meat daintily, then quickly snatched it out of the elf-thing's paw. She devoured her meat strip and blinked at her human and the elf-thing.

"Land or just get close?" asked the second human, making her way up to where Ruby and Captain Domino enjoyed their bird's eye view of the storm.

"An-brrr," cheeped the lizard.

Posted by Sapphire Night on February 28th, 2001 03:49 AM:

"An-brrr," cheeped the lizard.

"Greetings to thee" she replied in draconic. "Ruling the ship again today?"

Posted by Shadow of Light on March 1st, 2001 10:17 AM:

"Mee speeeek, R'beee!" Mreerclar creeled in a high-pitched voice. She then commenced rattling off her human vocabulary. "Mee-eat! Mreeercl-har! L-hissrrrd! Seea!" She lashed her tiny tail and blinked proudly at Ruby and the Captain.

Ruby grinned indulgently. "Yes, you're very clever." She reached up with one hand and scratched the firelizard's head between the eye-ridges.

"Land or just get close?" Amber's voice asked from somewhere.

Ruby glanced around and noticed the woman sitting amidst a tangle of rigging.

"An-brrr," cheeped the lizard.

Amber said something to Mreerclar in return, something Ruby didn't understand but knew to be draconic.

"Show-off," she muttered. Then she smiled and shouted, "Hello, Amber. I can't really say much for your sailing skills on this voyage - I was expecting at least one shipwreck, or some kind of sea-faring monster attack."


Posted by Sapphire Night on March 2nd, 2001 04:54 AM:

"Hello, Amber. I can't really say much for your sailing skills on this voyage - I was expecting at least one shipwreck, or some kind of sea-faring monster attack," said Ruby as Amber semi-lounged in the rigging.

She chuckled. "Sorry I couldn't oblige you this time Ruby, but we'll see about finding you a waterhorse or a sea serpent to play with next time," she managed to say with a completely straight face.

"Of course, you could always join me for a swim before we hit land. Nothin' quite like a nice swim in the middle of a lovely storm," she added with a slightly impish look.

Posted by Firetalon on March 2nd, 2001 08:15 AM:

"Mee speeeek, R'beee!" Mreerclar creeled in a high-pitched voice. She then commenced rattling off her human vocabulary. "Mee-eat! Mreeercl-har! L-hissrrrd! Seea!" She lashed her tiny tail and blinked proudly at Ruby and the Captain.

The human grinned indulgently. "Yes, you're very clever." She reached up with one hand and scratched the firelizard's head between the eye-ridges.

Mreerclar puffed up happily, and creeled in delight.

"Land or just get close?" asked another human.

"An-brrr," cheeped the lizard.

"Greetings to thee," the human replied in draconic. "Ruling the ship again today?"

The lizard blinked. What did it mean by 'today'?

She ignored the rest of the conversation and turned to preening.

Posted by Shadow of Light on March 3rd, 2001 11:58 AM:

"Swim?" Ruby regarded the roiling, iron-grey waves with appraising eyes. "Hm, I don't know. It's probably not worth getting the salt water off of my armour unless..." She leaned over the edge of the crow's nest, risking life and limb as the storm grew in intensity and tossed the ship like a toy. "...any sharks down there?"


OOC: Think we can land now?

Posted by Sapphire Night on March 4th, 2001 06:15 PM:

"...any sharks down there?" asked Ruby, eyeing the tossing waters.

Amber chuckled. "Probably not too close to the surface with the waters like this. The current tends to give a good workout though, not to mention the added weight of the armor," she said with a longing look at the violently crashing waves.

She sighed and turned her eye to the land again. "Well Cap'n? Land or no? Need to decide soon or the decision will be taken from us," she pointed out with a wink.

OOC: I don't see why not. Cap'n?

Posted by [CYA]WoLf on March 5th, 2001 11:27 AM:

"Sail a little closer and then we'll drop a boat and brave the crashing waves." He added with a chuckle. "And if that doesn't get your blood pumping, I don't know what will."

A swell of salt water lashed against the side of the boat, causing the whole vessel to lurch wildly and almost knocking the current steersman into the sea.

"A harsh mistress she is this night." He said to the sky.

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August


Posted by Sapphire Night on March 5th, 2001 11:42 AM:

"You got it Captain, will do," said Amber. She pulled a pair of gloves from a pouch on her belt and quickly pulled them on.

Catching a spare rope, she swung away from Ruby and Domino and fell towards the deck, laughing the whole way. The rope caught about 10 feet from the deck. She gave a bit of a swing and jumped, landing just over the railing by the wheel.

"Thanks. Go see what else ya can find to do," she said to the sailor she had left at the wheel. She got into position and pulled the wheel hard to the left, aiming for a section of the shore.

Shouldn't take long to get there. Hopefully we can find Ruby somethin' to play with she thought.

Posted by Firetalon on March 6th, 2001 08:56 AM:

Mreerclar clung to R'bee's shoulder so as not to be blown away by the wind.

Posted by Shadow of Light on March 8th, 2001 03:41 AM:

"OW, for the love of Hran..." Ruby grabbed Mreerclar around the body, pinning the firelizard's wings to her sides, then pulled her (and a good deal of skin) off her shoulder. "Sit there," the woman ordered, setting Mreerclar down again on a different part of shoulder that was protected by stiffened leather.


Posted by Firetalon on March 8th, 2001 07:09 PM:

Mreerclar smeeped indignantly.

Posted by [CYA]WoLf on March 13th, 2001 09:17 PM:

Ride the Wind

Domino chuckled softly at the small draconic being, he looked a Ruby. "Perch getting sore?"

He hung on as the ship turned again and headed towards the land.

The island stood like a black shelled turtle in the waves, lightning playing around the dark peaks.

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August 2000

Line Developer/Writer - DarkQuest Games


Posted by Sapphire Night on March 15th, 2001 04:02 PM:

Amber eyed the approaching land. Mountains, tall trees getting tossed in the wind...some that appeared to be uprooted...and of course a semi-sinister look.

This should be interesting if nothing else she thought. They had gotten sufficiently closer that she was almost ready to drop anchor in the small inlet she had headed into.

"Land ho!" she shouted, more because she always liked saying it than anything else. Not like everyone couldn't see the land.

"Anchor going down!" she yelled as she pulled a small lever. Two separate anchors fell, catching the ship in the turbulent waters.

Shoot, they're starting to calm a little bit. Ah well, good things can't last forever she thought wistfully.

Posted by Shadow of Light on March 19th, 2001 08:29 PM:

"Perch getting sore?"

Ruby rubbed lightly at her shoulder, though not getting much blood on her hand thanks to the rain. "I forgot to put on my shoulder pad this morning. Last time I'll ever do that."

Amber bellowed the sight of land from down below, and the faint rattling of chains reached Ruby's ears.

The red-haired warrioress looked at the barely visible island, wreathed in the dark-silvers of the storm, and for some inexplicable reason felt her enthusiasm evaporate.

It wasn't that the place didn't look inviting, in a dangerous, evil-seeming way.

She just felt...



Posted by Sapphire Night on March 23rd, 2001 02:06 AM:


Amber eyed the island. Now that the storm had started to abate, sunlight was peeking through the clouds a bit and she could get a better look.

Trees as far as she could see. Of varying shapes, sizes, and species. Probably at least a couple of carnivorous ones she thought as she set the wheel and pulled off her boots, putting them into a tight bundle, which she strapped to her back. She looked up towards Ruby.

"You comin' or what?" she yelled up at the trio as she backed up, started running, and dove off the side of the ship into the waters below.

Posted by Shadow of Light on March 26th, 2001 04:14 PM:

Ruby watched Amber cut into the waves like a knife and brooded. Did she jump from the crow's nest? There was a very good chance she wouldn't clear the railing and thus end up splattering herself on the deck.

Her main concern was leaving her battle axe behind. She was very fond of the huge weapon, but it had a tendancy to make one sink when it was strapped to one's back.

"Bugger that," she muttered to herself. She could find something suitable to bash people's heads in on the island.

"You might want to wait for me on the shore," she to Mreerclar, and scratched the firelizard under the chin with a smile, "unless you want to take a bath."

"Coming, sir?" she asked the Captain, then climbed atop the edge of the crow's nest. She balanced herself, no mean feat with the wind and the pitching of the ship, then arched forward with a great jump.


Drakan 2: The Rekindling

Drakan 2: The Rekindling (with music)

Posted by [CYA]WoLf on March 26th, 2001 09:59 PM:

Avast ye land lubbers!

Domino watched Ruby and smiled, he admired several things about her...her shape, form and her 'zest' for life...he also admired the way her backside looked as she prepared to dive into the water.

Letting out a soft chuckle as she asked him if he was coming. He replied over the crashing waves and wind.

"Wouldn't miss this for the world lass!"

He coiled his elfin frame an instant after Ruby and after he'd stowed his hat...and leapt...

He arced gracefully over the side and forwards, just clearing the side of the ship.

If you listened hard enough you might hear a boyish whoop as he hit the water...

But only if you listened hard enough.

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August 2000

Line Developer/Writer - DarkQuest Games


Posted by Firetalon on March 27th, 2001 03:40 PM:

"You might want to wait for me on the shore," R'bee said to Mreerclar, scratching the firelizard under the chin. "Unless you want to take a bath."

The lizard glanced at the water. She liked baths, but not cold ones.

"Psnth," she hissed distastefully. The lizard blinked at her human and leapt off the shoulder.

She flapped around in midair, and watched as R'bee dove off the ship. A moment later, the elf-thing dove off the ship too. Mreerclar watched idly for a moment, then fluttered over the swimming humanoids, and continued toward the shore.

Posted by Sapphire Night on April 11th, 2001 03:22 PM:


Amber cut through the water easily. Taking a huge breath of air, she suddenly dove, propelling herself down and forward, looking around at all the things below the waters.

She wasn't nearly deep enough to be seeing a lot of active life due to the storm, but was there was proved interesting. One fish in particular thrilled her. Approximately 15 inches long, it's scales were a rather nondescript mud color until it moved. Movement set off a riot of varying shades of red and orange.

Beautiful she thought as she swam under the creature, then began making her way back up to the surface.

She felt sand beneath her toes and realized that she had reached the shore. She stood, letting her feet sink into the sea floor and drifted, waiting for just the right wave to ride in, surveying the island as she drifted.

Dark...mysterious...foreboding...this should be interesting she thought as she finally caught a wave into shore...

Posted by Shadow of Light on April 12th, 2001 09:29 PM:

The shock of the cold waves almost made Ruby gasp (which would have been a bad idea, seeing as how she was underwater). She rarely felt the chill. She had been born and had lived her younger years in a very hot climate; sometimes she thought the reason why the cold was nothing for her to fear was because she'd sucked up so much sunlight during her youth. But when she was submerged in the depths of icy liquid, where even the warmth of the sun was a faint and barely noticable thing...

She arched her body under the water and lifted up, breaking the surface of the sea and shaking wet red hair from her face. The rain had almost stopped, but a light spray splattered gently against the top of the water.

Shivering slightly, Ruby turned her face towards the island and started swimming with long, strong strokes.


Posted by [CYA]WoLf on June 20th, 2001 08:56 PM:

Water to do...

Domino hit the water like a sword or a throwing knife, his elfin frame neatly slicing through the waves, he ignored the cold and slammed on towards the shore, mostly travelling under the water, like an elven torpedo.

After a good deal of time he came up just at the edge of the shoreline and pulled himself onto the dark beach of the island, grinning...wet hair mingling with the sand and water.

"Ah...I love the sea." He cackled.


High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August 2000

Line Developer/Writer - DarkQuest Games


Posted by Shadow of Light on June 20th, 2001 09:02 PM:


Ruby came up on the beach just as the Captain spoke. "It's not too bad," she agreed, "except for it being wet. And salty. And cold." She sluiced water from her arms and shook her head, making a face as her hair slapped her in the face. "Did I mention wet?" She tied her crimson tresses back with a length of leather, and glanced around, making sure Mreerclar had reached the shore.

"So we're here. Are we waiting for the crew or what, Captain?"


Drakan 2: The Rekindling

Drakan 2: The Rekindling (with music)

Posted by [CYA]WoLf on June 20th, 2001 09:18 PM:

And with just a littttlleee Steaaaammmm!

Domino stood up and dusted/brushed and chuckled as he shook sand out of his clothing. "Yes, we are...and you and me are not going to be wet by the time they get there." His eyes shone with the elves love for magecraft.

He began to steam slightly at fist, smoking tendrils of mist rising off his body and hair, as his fingers worked on the spell with apparent ease.

He looked at her.

"You next?" A wide grin.

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August 2000

Line Developer/Writer - DarkQuest Games


Posted by Firetalon on June 21st, 2001 05:47 AM:

The lizard landed lightly on the beach and padded lightly up the sandy shore. Every so often, she shook her feet in an attempt to remove the sand.

R'bee tied her back with a length of leather, and glanced around, making sure Mreerclar had reached the shore.

"Hssththt," said the lizard, sticking out her tongue.

Once R'bee was standing, Mreerclaw clawed her way up her human's leg and leapt to her shoulder, oblivious to the fact that she was tracking sand everywhere.

Posted by Shadow of Light on June 21st, 2001 07:13 PM:

"Forget your wings?" Ruby murmured as the firelizard reached her shoulder. Then she grinned, wondering how Mreerclar would appreciate a good steam.

"Fire away, Captain," she said innocently.


Drakan 2: The Rekindling

Drakan 2: The Rekindling (with music)

Posted by Firetalon on June 22nd, 2001 04:19 AM:

"Forget your wings?" R'bee murmured as the firelizard reached her shoulder.

The lizard shook sand everywhere just to be obnoxious. She then blinked at her human insolently.

"Fire away, Captain," R'bee said innocently.

Posted by Sapphire Night on June 22nd, 2001 07:36 AM:

Amber bodysurfed to shore, landing about 10 feet away from the Captain and Ruby, just in time to see the steam hissing and rising away from the Captain.

She walked over to them and grinned. "Lovely day for a swim isn't it?" she said with a grin.

Posted by [CYA]WoLf on June 22nd, 2001 08:39 PM:

Steamy Warrior...

Domino grinned and nodded to both ladies.

"One steamy warrior coming up." He tried not to crack at that and worded his spell in his native language...soft vocals and quick hand motions.

Pretty soon Ruby was like he, dry and slowly steaming in the cold air. He stepped up closer and moved her hair out of her eyes. "Now isn't that a way to dry off? of course it's not as good as a towell and a pair of hands, but that is for another time, a celebratory sunken bath when we unlock the secrets of this island."

The Captain grinned at that...and the images in his head, pushing them away he looked around. "Providing we survive of course."

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August 2000

Line Developer/Writer - DarkQuest Games


Posted by Shadow of Light on June 25th, 2001 07:49 PM:

Ruby gave him an arch look. "I guess that's something to look forward to."

Drakan 2: The Rekindling

Drakan 2: The Rekindling (with music)

Posted by [CYA]WoLf on June 25th, 2001 08:06 PM:


Domino put his hands on his hips and grinned.

"Now anyone would think ye didn't have a soft spot for me lass, I'm a Rogue you knew that when ye signed onto my ship, ye all did."

He grinned again and sought shelter in a small grove close to the shore. "Come on..."

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August 2000

Line Developer/Writer - DarkQuest Games


Posted by Shadow of Light on June 28th, 2001 07:45 PM:

Ruby sniffed and grinned at Amber. "How long you think it'll take the crew to steer that thing in?"

OOC: Skip ahead to the ship 'docking'?

Drakan 2: The Rekindling

Drakan 2: The Rekindling (with music)

Posted by Sapphire Night on June 28th, 2001 11:51 PM:

OOC: Why not?

Amber stretched, bending down then rolling up so that several bones could be heard popping in her back, then rolled her neck, sending off several more loud pops.

She grinned as Ruby looked at her with an "What in the hell?" look on her face and shrugged. "Just something I do on occasion," she said as she turned to watch the ship moving towards them.

She watched the movement, calculating the speed and the turbulence of the water.

"You know, if they're no careful, they're going to run aground," she commented to Ruby.

Posted by [CYA]WoLf on July 2nd, 2001 04:22 AM:

House of cards come tumbling down...

Domino watched, listened and turned his attention to the ship as she made her way closer. He watched with a critical eye for a while then turned to examine something a little way up the beach, kneeling down into the soft sands.

High Wayfarer Wolfe of the Blood that Binds

Pendragon of August 2000

Line Developer/Writer - DarkQuest Games


Posted by Shadow of Light on September 2nd, 2001 12:12 AM:

<let's try this again, shall we?>

Skipping ahead...

Pirates were used to beaching ships. It was fast. It was fun. And so long as there weren't any rocks nearby, all they'd have to worry about later would be pushing it out to sea again.

As the hull drove through the wet sand and sprayed water over the beach, Ruby wandered a little way up onto the island. She had no idea what kind of adventure the Captain had planned, but she hoped it would be a good one. She flexed her right hand absently, wishing she had her axe here. And something fleshy to chop.

A troll or ogre, perhaps.

Reaching the edge of the sand where dry-looking grass began, she peered inland. The island seemed to be just a mountain with a thin stretch of sand and grass running around it. The typical deserted island. All it needed was a palm tree, she thought wryly.

And it better not be uninhabited. She hadn't killed something for weeks.


(here the thread ended.)